
Mini-Newsletter 2.11 August 2013
(Mailing list information, including how to remove yourself, is located at the end of this message.)

Eight Guest Speakers Announced for Annual Conference
We are holding our 9th conference September 27-28, hosted by our Affiliate, PET TN-Memphis. The people pictured below will speaking.
Rev. Ronald T. Davidson, Gleaning For The World 
Carol McDonald, President of CHaRA 
John Abbey, Trustee of The D.O.V.E. Fund 
Karen Herrera RN, MSN 
Mary Frantz 
Matt Chegwidden OTR/L, ATP 
Jack Fong, President, Missionary Expediters 
Maia Yordanov, Manager of Pricing and Customer Service, Missionary Expediters 
See http://petinternational.org/annual-conference/ for details.


Daystar Adopt A Village distributes PET carts from Brazos Valley PET Affiliate in Sierra Leone
"Disability Child Foundation-Sierra Leone (DCF-SL) is a non-Governmental and non-profit organization founded in 2008. They identify and advocate rehabilitation for children with disability in Bo. They also work with children born with disability, children with disabled parents and children within the ages of 5-17 years that enhance the movement of the blind. Their goal is to afford the means for their survival, facilities for their development and an environment for their protection since some are neglected, left unattended and not giving proper education. "Jitta Sesay and her husband, Alpha Brimah Seisay, both volunteers with Daystar Adopt A Village, are shown here with the Director of the program, James Charles Gombay (who is also disabled), and some children of the beneficiaries. A very happy Mr. Gombay said words are not enough to bless you for remembering his organization with this kind of gift. He further went on to say that the PET carts are really timely as this will help to alleviate the suffering of two beneficiaries in his organization. He is also appealing for further support in any way whatever." Rachel O. Dunn, Daystar Adopt A Village, Inc.



PET cart assists young man at the Yardfon Vocational Training Center at Mae Taeng, Thailand
"Attached is a photo of an adult PET Cart currently in use at the Yardfon Vocational Training Center For The Physically Disabled at Mae Taeng, Thailand. The young male student using the cart has had a brain injury which has affected his mobility. The cart is in use daily to help him move back and forth from his classes to his room and to the kitchen. The school has 2 PET carts in use." Donald Willcox Foundation To Encourage Potential Of Disabled Persons



PET carts arrive on the island of Vanuatu
"The cargo has arrived safely in our country. Attached are some photos during the unloading and transportation to Bethesda Rehabilitation Centre. "Thank you for this big achievement." Tony Naliupis [More photos here. Note the US Navy Project Handclasp labels - Ed.]



PET Build at UMM National Conference July 2013
PET Memphis coordinated a PET Build as one of the three available Outreach Experiences during the National gathering of the United Methodist Men (UMM) in Nashville, TN. Many UMM signed up filling all the available build slots in advance. After seeing the PET International display in the Mission Hall, additional men also joined to create an overflow crowd at the PET Build. Attendees put together 20 PETs on-site, tested them, disassembled them, and finally packed them ready to be shipped to the Dominican Republic in September. Other PET supporters were on-site to help with the various build stations, including PET MO-Columbia, PET MO-Southwest, PET International, and even parts makers for PET Memphis traveled in from Arkansas.


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