
Mini-Newsletter 2.6 February 2013
To be included in the mailing list for mini-newsletters, please go to PETInternational.org and enter your email address in the form in the right column. When you sign up, you should receive mail from do-not-reply@mail.vresp.com with subject "Action Required: Confirm Your Sign-Up" and follow the "Click here to complete the signup process" link in that email. You are NOT really signed up until you click that link. It is likely that that email will be caught in SPAM filters, so look in junk mail folders if you don't see the email otherwise.

CHaRA container on way to Zanzibar
From CHaRA News: "Last week we finished packing, numbering, labeling, stacking, unstacking and filling up a 40' container to send to Zanzibar. The main portion of this container is PET carts and wheelchairs for kids with disabilities. We shipped 33 wheelchairs and 89 PET carts. ... Thank you to those who have given supplies, equipment and various items for the people of Zanzibar. Thank you Pastor Thant McManus, Gaylyn, Joseph, Jodie, Max, Ellie, and Penny for your hours of work in the warehouse. We love and appreciate all of you. Ron and Carol"



PET carts delivered in Bangladesh
I wanted to share a few high-impact pictures of a recent MedShare shipment of PETs. We just received photos of PET carts being distributed in Bangladesh. They were shipped to a partner organization called icddr,b. The carts were assembled by students at the American International School of Dhaka, and as you can see they gave two to a family of four (a father and three children), all of whom have disfigurement in their hands and feet. Thank you for helping to give dignity and mobility to people around the globe! Warmest regards, Chuck Haupt Executive Director MedShare Western Region



Child push-pull PET assembly: Advantage Program in Haiti
I have attached a picture of Maxene assembling a pediatric PET push-pull cart. Thanks to PET International for the support you give to MTI-Advantage Program by providing the possibility for mobility for our clients! Maxene (the young man in the photo) uses his adult PET cart to come back/forth to work every day. He assembles carts, trains people to use carts and repairs broken carts. He asks that I send a special "thanks" to PET International for how your cart has "mobilized him in life". Many thanks! Anba zel Li (Under His Wing), June E. Hanks, PT,PhD,DPT,CWS,CLT,EMT Medical Teams International Haiti Advantage Program Director Les Cayes, Haiti



3 year old Thai boy with muscular dystrophy gets PET cart

Two weeks ago we visited the little 3 year old Thai boy in the attached photos. He suffers from muscular dystrophy and has no control over both lower limbs which he simply drags around. He is a very bright and active child so we thought to provide him with a PET children's cart and you can see what happened. He took to it like a pro and was instantly on his way exploring the world around him. I think you can tell this from the photos which were taken by the photographer at the Trat Thailand City Hospital. Trat is a very long way from where we live - a 16 hour drive one way. The boy now has the perfect aid for his disability. Trat is located on the western shore of the Gulf Of Thailand near the Cambodian border. Please thank everyone at PET for helping this child. Hooray for PET! Donald Willcox, Founder & President Foundation To Encourage The Potential Of Disabled Persons

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