PET® International Mini-Newsletter 2.3 November 2012
PET carts arrive and are assembled for distribution in Nioro, Senegal


Local NGO Ker_Yaakaar has taken delivery of a 40'container shipment from the Brazos Valley, TX. PET Affiliate. The PET cart assembly is in progress for the mobility distribution in the near future.
Great demand for the PET cart in Malawi
Please start planning on how to start PET Malawi project. The demand of the PET is too much. All of the disabled people we have in past been giving wheelchairs are fit for these tricycles [PET] for full self mobility.


The attached photos are of some school children who have been pushing their fellow students on wheelchairs, now are thanking God their Friends are able to move by themselves. The need is too great. Please men and women of God, disabled people in Malawi are waiting on "the beautiful gate to the Temple now". God bless you as we wait upon HIM. George
Thailand PET cart as mobile shop for snacks
Enclosed is a photo of a young man who received one of your older carts we reconditioned. This was before you had the silicone filled tires. This courageous young man cannot walk and has only one functioning arm and hand but yet he "cranks" his cart back and forth every day about 12 kilometers in order to sell snacks which he keeps in the plastic baskets mounted on the side of the cart. Donald Willcox, Founder & President Foundation To Encourage The Potential Of Disabled Persons
Hundreds of disabled Nigerians benefit from PET cart donation through the Assemblies of God Church
Dearly Beloved, We thank God for a successful time of sharing our PET Wheelchairs at two different regions (east and west) in Nigeria. It was indeed an awesome period of SMILES AND JOY for all of us who could witness it either on the spot or via the many different media house that covered the ceremonies. God's name has been highly exalted and He alone has the glory, amen. At both ceremonies at Enugu (eastern Nigeria) and Lagos (western Nigeria), we had more than 700 applications of mobility challenged people in dire need of mobility. But we were able to manage the crowd and gave the 231 PET that we had. The requests are still streaming into my office. And I pray for God's provisions upon PET International, so that we can have much more next time especially for northern Nigeria where we have more crippled and poor people to reach.


Above are some photos from the ceremony in Lagos. Remain blessed. Rev Georgian
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