PET® International Mini-Newsletter 1.8 April 2012
Workshops & Sessions scheduled for Annual Meeting
PET TX-Brazos Valley will be hosting the 2012 PET International Annual Meeting and Workshops, September 14th & 15th, in Bryan, Texas. Sessions and workshops will include
- PET—Models, Designs, Materials, Modifications—Open Forum
- Committee Meetings—Finance, Standardization, Nominations, Long Range Planning
- Strategic Planning
- Shop Safety Training for Volunteers
- Cultivating Service Club Support For Affiliates
- General Administration activities for the PET Affiliate
- Information Technology
- CHaRa distribution highlights in Zanzibar
- Celebration Dinner and Program
- PET International Annual Board Meeting
2012 PET International Annual Meeting Schedule (PDF)
CHaRa highlights PET cart distribution
From CHaRa News: "Today we were able to touch the lives of some very special people. 15 Children and 6 Adults received transportation today. The joy in the children able to move by themselves takes joy to another level. John Burnham, Elia, Daniel, Ron and myself were able to taste a bit of heaven today! Thanks to the ladies at Parkwood Baptist Church in Concord, North Carolina each person received a soft blanket that says, "God loves you" it will be a daily reminder of God's love. Thank you for giving and sending us. Ron and Carol" Video clip of Kassim at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_bdn5fEDPo
How PET distributions happen in Zambia
Dear PET Friends, Recently Rev. Delbert Groves sent an update from Zambia. He runs New Life Center, a Methodist mission that includes PET Zambia. PET Zambia is the continuation from when Larry Hills was in Africa and asked for what became PET. Some of you have been involved with sending supplies for shipments to PET Zambia to build PETs there. The last overseas shipping container went out last month from Florida. Mr. Carl Bergeson had been there for several weeks assisting and helped with PETs. Delbert posted Carl’s newsletters on their website. Enjoy, Kathy Maynard PET International Treasurer
PET sighting in Belize
 A Peace Corps worker in Belize saw some of our PET recipients. She took their pictures and sent with a letter. Linda had been in Haiti with Healing Hands for Haiti and knew about PET. She is now working with the Belize Red Cross. She said, “I have seen many of your carts in the country of Belize and was able to obtain photos for you. I think the organization CARE gets them from you. Keep up the good work….” They did come from CARE-Belize; see attached press release.
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