PET® International Mini-Newsletter 1.7 March 2012
Gold PET #1000 from PET-MI Holland
From the Western Michigan Conference (UMC) News: HOLLAND, MI (WMC) A different kind of pet shop operates at 125 E. Sixth Street in downtown Holland. It’s a place where you find pets of the 3-wheeled rather than the 4-legged variety. PET Holland has been manufacturing Personal Energy Transports—hand-pedaled tricycles–since July 2009. They are the only one of 23 PET plants in the world dedicated to the manufacture of child-size PETs. Finishing touches were recently put on the 1000th PET, much to the delight of the 100 volunteers who have taken turns on the assembly line. Instead of the usual playful multi-colored paint job, this special PET sports a coat of gold.
Pull PET photo from Zambia
Thought I would share this with you. This is one of our Pull-PETs. Someone just emailed me this picture. All the note said was… "Mr. KANYENYE taking his daughter to church." One blessing at a time!! We are still building 50 or more PETs each month. The next container load of PET parts just left Florida this week. Thanks for being a part of the blessings! Only Jesus, Delbert & Sandy and the PET Zambia Staff
Words of thanks from the Ukraine
A young man of 24 with two beautiful little daughters. A street, a car…and I became an invalid. It was the time for me when the object of my life became not to stay alive but to stay human. I started to help people as me working in Community Action Organization. Through my job I met Oleg Prohorov. Oleg literally helped me to start living again. With his help I started doing sports (basketball, table tennis) in the organization “Odessabasket”. Oleg is a founder and a head of “Odessabasket” and this organization is only a little part of what he does for handicap people. Last year with the help of Oleg and our American friends from Texas I got a PET wheelchair which made my life much easier! The roads in the area where I live are not very good and it makes it difficult for me, sometimes even impossible, to do shopping or go for a walk or do something in my yard which has no asphalt as the wheelchairs are usually not practical and suitable for this. But after I got a PET wheelchair I became able to do all of these things. The best thing about it is its safety. It is very stable and it never has flat tires. It has a lot of room for different things to put in. My little daughters love going for a ride with me finding a room in the back of PET.I`m so grateful for all the people who gave me a chance to use this wonderful wheelchair. With all of my heart. Thank you. With gratitude, Nikolay Boiko
PET Photos from Medshare partner in Bangladesh
MedShare is going to be shipping 6 adult sized P.E.T.s on an upcoming container to an organization called icddr,b in Dhaka, Bangladesh. These PETs will be going to a great home! A teacher at AISD in Dhaka, has involved some students in a community service project to assemble some PETS and find appropriate potential recipients who have no legs, or are polio victims. That is the challenge to get these into the hands of people who will utilize them and not simply sell them for parts and some quick money.


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