Suen Oke Visits Austin this Fall
In 2005 Dr. Tina Slusher, Louisville, KY, brought Suen Oke (pronounced Shay-une O-key) from Nigeria to Louisville for special surgery. The surgery was successful, but Suen had polio, not curable. Tina asked for a PET for Suen and PET-MO supplied. Suen rode it into the airport and took it back to her village. Suen rode her PET all the way through highschool.
About 3 years ago a group of Baptists in Texas called and wanted to take new rear wheels to Suen. She was ready to go to college and the rear tires needing replacement.
This fall, PET-International is bringing Suen to the States to attend the PET Annual Conference and an International Disabilities Conference. While she is here, she will tour the States visiting various Affiliate locations. Texas has been selected for one of her stops. While here she will be visiting with the PET-Austin, PET-Brazos Valley and PET-San Antonio Affiliates. She will base out of Austin while here and will participate in the Bethany UMC Mission focus weekend October 25 – 26. The photos show Suen when she got her PET in 2005 and her in the rebuilt PET in 2013. We are looking forward to her visit. More information will be coming out in our future newsletters and here on our web site as it becomes available.